Is this all Hezbollah can do?
I was on the way to my recent meeting with the dietician and was listening to Pastor Leo's sermon on 2nd Chronicles. It went through the part where Rheaboam was defeated by Jeroboam and then into Asa's battles with the Ethiopians. In beating the Israelites, Judah took on 800,000 men with only 400,000 of their own and gave them a real smackdown, killing over 500,000 of them with God's help. Asa, with only 500,000 men, took on over a million Ethiopians and beat them so badly that they plundered the cities of the Ethiopians and brought back riches for the temple.
So, given the fact that the jewish people have been up against these odds, why are we so suprized when their military has such decisive wars in the past ('56,'67, '73, '82). Just another reason to keep an eye on the middle east, but not to worry too much about Israel - they're not going anywhere as long as there are a few devout jews amongst them!
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