Left leaning conservatives unite!
Here comes the flame mail.....
I am a relatively conservative guy - don't want the government writing checks they don't have the cash for, and can't quite understand who lets them run into deficits anyway......must have some folks who failed accounting 101! BUT, I do think that the Republican's don't quite have the market cornered on good ideas. As a matter of fact, I think they're pretty much just concerned about padding their pockets and those of their buddies in "big buisness".
As for my left leanings - I think:
1) We should have a sort of national health insurance - (gasp!)
2) Health Care Organizations should be required to be "NOT FOR PROFIT" - (eek!)
3) The Auto companies should be required to make their fleets average 45 mpg, make it a challenge, not an accounting game - (maybe taxing SUV sales more would be a good idea too!)
Ok, you're probably thinking - there's a party that already says that stuff, IE the Dems. I'd agree, but there are problems. No, it's not just the whole "who want's to vote for a party with a jackass as it's mascot (00ps, read - DONKEY). It's their insistance to pander to the extreme left of their party. To those folks who derive some sick pleasure from making sure we have the right to marry men, women and livestock regardless of any effect on the religious backgrounds of the act. Or those who make sure that women have the right to murder, not just their husbands, but also the unique creation of two individuals which would otherwise could become our next Einstein, Dalai Lama, or unfortunately our next Hitler or Stalin.
Anyhow - I'd love to see the Dems get into office if they were able to get a moderate elected. The problem is - I can't morally justify endorsing a candidate who agrees to accept this platform. My vote for them would be my tacit approval for the extreme left wingers to hand out coupons for "1 free abortion with every gay marriage" at the city hall!
There is an answer though......
Here's the idea of the century - Take these "hot button" issues out of the political party platforms, and put them to a national referendum! That would get us left leaning conservatives off the hook - we could vote our conscience on these issues that are mucking up the political process, and still vote for the candidates we think would do the best! Then, the Republicans wouldn't have a stranglehold on the masses of "conscienceous objectors"!
Just a few thoughts that I've been stirring for a while!
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