Thursday, February 01, 2007


Ok, I've asked alot of people to do things for me over the past two weeks of the "Back Injury" - but having a long time colleague shove a 9" needle with another 3" needle into my spine to put some steroid right on the compressed nerve, is probably the most extreme. After seeing our back surgeon downstairs at work on Monday, he suggested I get a selective nerve root block to see if we can get the swelling around the disc to come down and lessen the problems it's causing. when he said that I had just the right guy in mind. Dr. Dan Cooke - a colleague from where I used to work, I spent many an afternoon in his office doing the Therapy side of his pain management consultations. He graciously got me in without much wait and did what voodoo he do (sic). I'm now about 30 hours out, and the effects will start to kick in at about 48-72hrs (long acting steroids) so I'm hopeful.
I'm planning to go back to work Monday regardless, gotta save some of that sick time for the Gastric Bypass I'm reapplying for.
Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts!


Blogger hoosierhula said...

Your patients, co-workers, and friends all hope the drugs are good to you. When you are well enough, we welcome you back, even if that requires a new batch of pirate jokes and techie talk. Your favorite singing SF was DC'd but has stopped in to wish you well.

10:39 PM  

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