Happy Thanksgiving - Cough......Wheeze
Well, I've been away from posting for far too long. Much has occured since last I updated my meager following. In my infinite wisdom, or should that be wis'DUM', I ran myself on so little sleep and too much work as to have let a simple cold turn into Left Lower Lobe Pneumonia. The sinuses are running, the bronchi and bronchioles are wheezing, and I've even got a case of infection olecranon bursitis going on! I sound like my grandparents, jeeze!
So, now a few days after getting three different antibiotics (one that costs $5 per pill!), I'm starting to feel relatively human again. Human enough to actually taste some of the T-Giving meal we had today. Oh yeah..... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
I'm thankful to our wonderful creator for:
1) The air I breathe, the fact that my heart keeps beating, and for this existance in and of itself.
2) The atoning work of our Savior, without whom we'd really not understand the true meaning of life.
3) My family, our little cherubs, a roof over our heads and enough to eat (too much for me)
4) Alexander Volta, Thomas Edison, Mr. Westinghouse, and alot of oriental folks who've given me a hobby - Computers and Electronics! (black friday's tomorrow you know!)
5) The abilities I've been given to help injured hands, arms etc. and the people they're attached to!
6) A warm night for standing outside at Best Buy later (gonna hit the place at 10pm until they open at 5am!)
7) My wonderful wife (repeat of #3, but she's quite a gal - puts up with my crap way more than she has to!)
8) This blog - I call it the pressure relief valve for my OCD!
9) Ebay - where much of the tech gear will be parlayed to support my need for a dual Nvidia 7900 GT SLI setup this year (do I really need that much processing power? No, but should I let that stop me.......)
10) The hope that some of you might just chuckle at a few of these items....
HAPPY T-GIVING, don't forget, only 6 weeks until we celebrate the pagan holiday that the early religious folks thought they'd celebrate our savior's birth in conjunction with! PS - he turned 2009 (+/- a few) back in September! (Doesn't act a day over 2004!)