Monday, October 23, 2006

Long time no blog........

Well, here we are again - with the loathful author of this written stream of consciousness neglecting to share his thoughts with the greater world. Sigh......

I've learned a few things about myself in the past few weeks (with apologies to a semi-transparent blogger I know of, hope he recoups from his blitz week soon!).

1) I'm a compulsive techie.... For kicks I finally built the HTPC (home theater pc) I've been thinking about for some time. In the process I upgraded the gaming rig to a dual core AMD and installed Windows Vista Ultimate RC1 on the HTPC.

2) I sabotage myself for no apparent reason while trying to lose the weight that the insurance company just thinks I've not tried hard enough to lose.

3) I don't really like the Democrats or the Republicans - I just dislike the Republican party platform less than I dislike the Democratic one. (wouldn't our nation's fathers be so happy!)

4) I can gain or lose up to 5 pounds overnight, often for no apparent reason. Perhaps I should put a camera in the kitchen while I sleep and see if I'm "sleepeating".

5) I really like my job, at the end of the day the people I've seen are either improved, less painful, or further toward their goals of becoming more physically independent.

6) Our Dachshund, Dixie, is unable to urinate in the presence of blowing leaves.

7) My Gaming PC is probably more powerful than I need it to be right now, maybe I should do some of that distributed computing to make it more useful (ie SETI@home, or the genetic folding program).

8) The twins must learn more language skills soon, or they might go to Kindergarten still saying "ut's at", or screaming "eeaahht" when they want something.

9) It's hard to type with a Dachshund on your lap......

10) I really need to get out more!

That's all for now - more on the insurance appeal process in the next post - if you've got room on your prayer list, write me in!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Appeal, not as in a peel - like the banana - but like....oh, you get it....

The appeal process is in gear, with my doctor in my corner writing a letter indicating my many failed diet plans, including the ones he's supervised in the past 6 years since I broke the 300# limit. The bariatric clinic is going to put one together as well, and submit them both with the TPA (Third Party Administrator - we're self insured). My understanding is that the next person to look at this case is the TPA's physician. I'm hoping that my MD's letter will carry some weight with him, pardon the pun.

I'm still hoping to get this done this calendar year, as my deductible is met. I'll keep the blog informed as to changes in my "pathway to a new me".